Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Teen Leaders in Y Youth and Government Program

This past weekend I had the privilege to oversee the Maryland YMCA Youth and Government Pre-Legislative Session. Students from schools and Y's all over Maryland came together for a day of speeches, elections and debates. The Youth Governor and Lt. Governor lead with style and class and I was impressed all over again by these teenagers and their maturity.

In my experience as a Y employee I have never met a group of people as enthusiastic as high school students. When I am out of ideas, they have one more great one. When I see a dead end, they find an opportunity. When I am discouraged, they bring hope. When I am exhausted, they keep going until everything is finished. I am sure that any person who has ever griped about "those teenagers" has never spent time with these young people. I am honored to guide their program and excited to see their leadership shine. It almost seems unethical to take a paycheck when the students do so much hard work.

I am looking forward to the Legislative Session next month where we will spend three days in Annapolis using the actual State House and Committee rooms to argue legislation, pass Youth-Bills and experience our government first hand.

To learn more about Y Youth and Government, visit Chris Ader-Soto’s expert opinion blog on this program at

Posted by Amy Maloy, State Director, MD Youth and Government, Y of Central Maryland

Monday, March 22, 2010

Y Fitness Challenge Success

Kelly & Tom, Kelly L and Cheryl:
(Staff members at the Walter & Betty Ward Family Center Y)

I wanted to send you all a quick note of thanks! I won't be able to be at the awards on Wednesday because I'll be traveling for work.

I started this in September and I have to admit half heartily. ALL of my former attempts to change my lifestyle had failed and I was not anticipating this to be any different. If someone would have told me 7 months ago that I would actually get upset when I can't make it to Body Pump at least twice a week - I would have been rolling on the floor laughing.

WOW, was I wrong. I have definitely learned to live a different lifestyle. I was inspired and I was held accountable. I learned how to exercise and how to be comfortable in the gym. I finally realized that walking around the block once a month or eating lettuce for a week straight was not going to get the weight off. I no longer fear the gym, I'm no longer on a "diet" and I love to exercise and feel great. I have lost 28 pounds since the Fall session started and 4 clothes sizes. It feels darn good to pick up something in a store and have it fit!

One of the greatest things for me has been inspiring others. I have inspired family members and friends to change their lifestyle as well. It has been so rewarding to see my parents and my children now enjoy spending time in the gym. Nightly trips to the Y are a part of our daily routine now. My kids are also making smarter choices. They are reading labels and choosing fruit over junk. My energy level and my general mood have greatly improved.

I truly hope that you all realize what a difference you have made in quite a few lives. I can certainly attest to the difference you've made in my family's life.

While my "home" gym is Perry Hall and I don't make it Abingdon very often, I hope to see you all again soon!

Take Care,

Angie Martin - Green Team

Posted by Angie Martin, Fitness Challenge Participant at the Walter & Betty Ward Family Center Y