Thursday, May 6, 2010

An Active Tootie!

Tootie makes me laugh. In the middle of Target she stretches and she tells me she’s exercising. When I’m sitting down watching TV, she tells me I need to exercise more, get moving. When I enroll her in Sports Mix, swimming, Tiny Dancers she’s sometimes too shy to participate. Two months ago, I took off from work to watch her NOT dance in a dance recital. She did the steps ad nauseam at home-but at show time, nothing.

At least I can be happy that she knows what healthy behaviors are. She recognizes a warm up, cool down, and the importance of physical activity. She calls me out if I’m walking fast, but should be running, and she has a great internal meter for knowing how much she’s been active and “neeeeding” to get some exercise.

I have to credit the Y with her knowledge and appreciation of a healthy, active lifestyle. Heaven knows if it were up to me she wouldn’t be as active as she is. Over time, she’s done really well with breaking out of her shell, doing more activities and participating more broadly. The pre-school has worked out a partnership with the Y to include some health and wellness activities in the pre-school program, so although I can’t take her, a Y staff member takes her to weekday classes in the Y health and wellness center. This has allowed her to try more activities than she otherwise would have.

Maybe one of these days I’ll have to admonish her for being too much in the spotlight. For the time being, I’m glad she’s the healthy, active girl that’s slowly moving us both off the sidelines!

Posted by Angie Kirk, Y Preschooler Parent, Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Family Center Y

Energy to Burn!

I have a five year old son. If you have a son, that's all the information you need to know. If however you don't have the privilege of living with a boy, let me explain. He is overflowing with energy and, while capable of sitting still, doesn't enjoy it and would prefer to mimic a bag of microwave popcorn. He is loud - think rock concert mosh pit volume. He is curious and is always trying to figure out how something works. He loves tools and has taken apart numerous things in our home, like the chairs, and the banister. He likes to hide, when I'm running late, and he thinks it's hilarious when I can't find him. He teases his sister about 75% of the time, but the rest of the time (when he's not sleeping) he calls her princess and tells her she's beautiful. He is more than a handful, but I wouldn't trade his personality for anything... well, maybe for a couple more hours of sleep but that's it.

As you can imagine a child with such energy and enthusiasm for life just blesses his teachers and coaches each day by his presence in their class. Ok, maybe not. Maybe I find myself apologizing on a regular basis for his shenanigans. Maybe we have long talks in the car before his Y Tot's Day Out class about listening to the teacher. Maybe some days that works.

I am hugely grateful for his Tot's teachers and his Youth Sports coaches. Their patience with my son goes above and beyond the call of duty. The simple fact that he enjoys his time at the Y and asks to go back speaks volumes about their investment.
I picked him up from Youth Sports the other day to find that he had a new coach. I was opening up my mouth to offer an apology for his energy when Coach Mike said, "Christopher did great today! He showed me how high he could count by counting his jumps on the mini-trampoline." And THAT is why I love the Y. A brand new coach that saw a high-energy child and used the tools at his disposal to get that energy out. He managed to find it fun to work with my wonderfully crazy boy.

Posted by Amy Maloy, State Director, MD Youth and Government, Y of Central Maryland


My job as a Site Manager here at the Y can be challenging at times. Managing three Head Start centers, 25 staff, a host of children and families; as well as my own family at home can be overwhelming some days. Although it is very important to be accountable to others, sometimes taking time out for myself is the one thing I don't have time to do. Recently while listening to talk radio, the guest talked about the importance of "knowing yourself." She talked about discovering new things and reintroducing yourself to things you love. I know it’s easier said than done, but it’s very important and I am going to try because I don't want my very own "Bucket List.” Also, it's clear that you must care for yourself before you can care for others. So, go get that book that you started reading or writing, go see that movie you've been wanting to see, have dinner at your favorite restaurant or book that weekend gateway you so desperately need! Make today the day you schedule time for yourself, even if you have to schedule it for next week (lol). JUST DO IT!!!!

Posted by Felecia Veale-Buckson, Baltimore County Head Start Site Manager, Y of Central Maryland

Getting Back on Track

Of all times of the year when you should be stepping up the exercise routine, this is one of them...but I haven't seen the gym in 2 weeks. I can't believe how quickly you start to feel sluggish (and how fast the pounds come back on) when you don't keep up with exercise. I want to feel healthy again soon. My cousin who was several sizes bigger than me is now a couple of sizes smaller than me, so I'm hoping her success inspires me to get back on track. I'm so proud of her!

Posted by Wendy Smith-Wilczynski, Y Member and Preschooler Parent, Carroll County

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Body Pump Off and Running!

Body Pump is off and running - - - and popular!!! So popular that members wait in line to get a ticket for the session. Some of the members wait as long as 30 minutes in line. Rather than complaining about the wait, one of the members suggested that as members come in the front door, they sign in that they want a ticket for class and then they can work out instead of waiting – what an effective approach – solution focused and a great idea.

Posted by Jessica Pearsall, Fitness Instructor, Dancel Family Center Y

My First Marathon!

I recently ran my first marathon! I can still remember when a mile was so hard for me to do – I never imagined I’d be doing a marathon. I didn’t get there over night and I didn’t get across the finish line alone. With all the snow this winter, I did most of my training on the treadmill in the Y. Staff and member began to notice my patter and long run days. They would stop by, ask about my training, make sure I had water and nourishment, and encourage me. The coolest part about completing the marathon was all of the excitement from the staff and members at the Y the first day back after the marathon – they were more excited than I was!!

Posted by Jessica Pearsall, Fitness Instructor, Dancel Family Center Y

A Busy Saturday at the Y

Last Saturday the Y of Central Maryland celebrated Healthy Kids Day. At our Carroll County Y, it was a very busy day for us. We not only had our normal activities of exercise classes, swim lessons, and the fitness center being busy, but we had many employees on hand to help set up and be available for the activities planned for this day. We had many community groups available to share information about safety, nutrition, exercise and having fun while taking care of our bodies.

One of the best parts of the day for me was having all the staff who work at the front desk participating in this event. Because most of us are part-time employees, we don’t get to see each other often. It was nice to see everyone there to help out with this event, but also to reconnect with everyone. I think I work with one of the best groups of people I have ever worked with. The personalities are all diverse but we are all supportive of each other and I ALWAYS end up laughing with the stories they tell.

Although this is a little bragging on my part, the Carroll Y is very fortunate to have the group of people they have working at the front desk. They are hard working, available to offer information, an ear to listen or a much-needed smile at a moment’s notice. For me, as I went from a member at our Y to an employee, it was in part, because of the front desk staff always ready to help with body, mind but also lifting the spirits of the members at our Y.

Posted by Peggy Curet, Member Services Representative, Carroll County Family Center Y